Kalyan Constructions

Kalyan Constructions

Himayat Nagar, Hyderabad
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About Kalyan Constructions

Kalyan constructions is spearheaded by Mr. Ramesh Goud, a highly experienced professional from the Roads and Building department which has been the life-line of cities for decades. A special Class I contractor who repeatedly excelled in prestigious contracts and establishments that stand as landmarks in our city of Hyderabad. Since the year1997, we have constantly worked towards providing a home that will be auspicious and bring goodwill to many families. The Government of Andhra Pradesh entrusted us with projects that changed perceptions and developed towns and cities to match the standards of global societies across the world Our ideas and plans have rewritten the rules of real estate as a result of which weve established ourselves as pioneers of the industry.
  • Areas of Operation

    HyderabadBanjara HillsHimayat Nagar
  • Services Offered

    Real Estate Agents

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Kalyan Constructions

  • Ramesh
  • Himayat Nagar, Hyderabad

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