Kale Properties And Consultant Services

Kale Properties And Consultant Services

Yerawada, Pune
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About Kale Properties And Consultant Services

Buying a property or owning a home is a dream for many people. Whether it is purchasing a home or a plot for investment purposes,Kale Properties And Consultant Services, a reliable real estate firm in Pune founded by young entrepreneurs with expertise and a successful track record in the realty sector, helps you find your dream property. If you are looking for a perfect flat or independent house suiting your preferences and requirements or an investment opportunity in a plot or commercial space in Pune and surrounding areas, Kale Properties And Consultant Services helps you identify the best properties and finalize a good deal. With years of experience and a thorough understanding of Punes real estate, we offer a comprehensive range of services.

We remove the middlemen and directly provide the best properties to our customers at a budget-friendly rate. We have links with reputed builders and developers in Pune and have a grasp on current real estate sector trends. This ensures our customers own property of their choice at the best rate.

Whether it is families looking for spacious individual homes, or flats in upmarket locations or those who are looking for open lands or plots for investment purposes, Kale Properties And Consultant Services them all. We also have a wide range of commercial spaces and office spaces in prime locations to cater to companies looking out for space in happening areas in Pune. We also deal in the finest rental properties in Pune. We assist our customers get bank loans and guide them on registrations and other required formalities. Just get in touch with Kale Properties And Consultant Services to locate the right property and grab a good deal, which will assure you of good returns.

  • Areas of Operation

    PuneYerawadaSenapati Bapat RoadLoni KalbhorKesnandKalyani NagarAdarsh ColonyAdarwadAgarkar NagarAgarwal ColonyAirport RoadAkurdiAlandiAlandi RoadAlephataAmanora Park TownAmbegaonAmbegaon BudrukAnand NagarAndhaleAnthon NagarAppa Balwant ChowkAshok NagarAundhAundh GaonAnand ParkBalewadiBalewadi GaonDasarLaxmi NagarPatil NagarBanerBaner AnnexeBaner Balewadi RoadBaner GaonBaner Highway Side RoadBaner Hill TrailBaner Mahalunge RoadBaner Pashan Link RoadBaner RoadBalewadi High StreetLalit EstateLaxman NagarMohan NagarPancard Club RoadRam Indu ParkSamarth ColonyVasant ViharVeerbhadra NagarWesternhills RoadYogi ParkBaneshwar PuneBangalore HighwayBaramatiBaramati MidcMidc SuryanagariBavdhanBavdhan KhurdBhunde VastiPatil NagarRam NagarVidnyan NagarBenkar Vasti RoadBhandarkar RoadBharat Kunj 2Bharati Vidyapeeth CampusBharti Nagar KothrudBharti VidyapeethBhawani PethBhekrai NagarBhelkenagar KothrudBhigwanBhilarewadiBhimashankarBhorBhosariBhosari MIDCBhosari Sector 10Bhosari Sector 11Bhosari Sector 4Bhosari Sector 6Bhosari Sector 7Bhosari Sector 9Gangotri ParkBhugaonBhukumBhumkar ChowkBhumkar NagarBhusari Colony KothrudBibvewadiBibwewadiChaitrabanBoat Club RoadBopkhelBopodiBorhade WadiBori AindiBudhwar PethBund GardenCampChafekar ChowkChakanChakan MIDCAlandi PhataAmbethan ChowkMutkewadiChandan NagarChandani ChowkChandeChandkhedCharholi BudrukChaturshringiChemburChikhaliPatil NagarChinchwadBalwant Darshan ColonyKalbhor NagarMoraya Raj ParkSudarshan NagarUdyog NagarChintamani NagarDP RoadDapodiDarumbreDatta Mandir RoadDattawadiDaundDeccan GymkhanaDehuDehu RoadDhankawadiAmbegaon PatharDaulat NagarDhanoriDhayariDhayari PhataDhayari Phata RoadBenkar VastiMahadev NagarDhaygude WadaDhole Patil RoadDighiDudulgaonEklavya Colony KothrudErandwanaErandwaneVakil NagarFatima NagarFergusson College RoadFursungiBhekrai NagarGadital HadapsarGahunjeGanesh NagarGanesh PethGaneshkhind RoadGangadhamGanj PethGayatri NagarGhorpadiEkbote ColonyGhule Vasti PuneGirawaliGokhale NagarGokul NagarGolevadiGondhale NagarGujarat Colony PuneGujrat Colony KothrudGultekdiGuru Nanak NagarGuruganesh Nagar KothrudGuruwar PethHadapsarHadapsar Gaon HadapsarAmar NagariBhosale NagarKubera ViharLaxmi ColonyMalwadiPandhari Nagar HandewadiParijat ColonySasane NagarSurylok NagariTriveni NagarHandewadiHandewadi RoadHaveliHingne BudrukhHingne KhurdHinjewadiHinjewadi Phase 1Hinjewadi Phase 2Hinjewadi Phase 3Hinjewadi VillageBhatewara NagarNereHole VastiIndapurJ M RoadJagtap DairyJambheJambhulJambhulwadiJangali Maharaj RoadJejuriJejuri MIDCJijai Nagar KothrudJunnarKad NagarKalasKusmade ColonyKale PadalKalepadal HadapsarKalewadiKalewadi PhataRajwade NagarKalhatKalwadKalwad WastiKamathe MalaKamshepKamshetKanheKaregaonKarlaKarmbhumi NagarKarve NagarKarve RoadKasar AmboliKasarsaiKasarwadiKasbaKaspate VastiKaspate WastiKatad KhanaKatrajKatraj Kondhwa RoadGurudatta ViharKanchan NagariMangdewadiSantosh NagarKemse VastiKeshav NagarKesnand RoadKetkawaleKhadakwaslaKhadkaleKhadkiKhanapurKhandalaKharabwadiKharadiAshoka NagarEON Free Zone PunePandhari NagarRaghavendra NagarRajaram Patil NagarRakshak NagarThite NagarTukaram NagarTulaja Bhawani NagarVitthal NagarYashwant NagarKhaun RoadKhedKhed ShivapurKhopoliKirkatwadiKirkeeKiwaleKolwadi PuneKondhanpurKondhwaKondhwa BudrukTilekar NagarBadhan NagarKausar BaughMallik NagarMeeta NagarKoregaon BhimaKoregaon Mul PuneKoregaon ParkKoregaon Park AnnexeKavadewadiMeera NagarKothrudKothrud Industrial Area KothrudAzad NagarChaitanya NagarDahanukar ColonyHappy ColonyIdeal ColonyLeft BhusariMaurya ViharPaschimanagriRahul NagarRambaug ColonyRight BhusariShreehans NagarKudale BaugKumthekar RoadKunal Icon RoadKunjirwadiKurkumbhKusgaon BudrukLandewadiLavaleLavasa CityLaw College RoadLaxmi NagarLaxmi RoadLohegaonNimbalkar NagarPawar VastiSathe VastiLokmanya Colony KothrudLokmanya NagarLonavalaLonavala RoadBhangarwadiGold ValleyGold Valley Sector DNangargaonPangoliParsi ColonyTungarliValvanVarsoliWaksaiLonikandLulla NagarM. G RoadMIDC ChinchwadMIDC KurkumbhMIDC Sector 2 Industrial Area BhosariMaanMadhav NagarMagarpattaMagarpatta City HadapsarMahadMahadev Nagar HadapsarMahalungeMaharshi NagarMahatma SocietyMalavliMalegaon PuneMamurdiManaji NagarManas SarovarMancharMangal NagarMangaldas RoadMangaonManikbaugManjari KhurdManjriManjri BkMarkalMarket YardMarunjiMate NagarMavalMavelMayur ColonyMercy NagarMidcMisalwadiMohammadwadiMohan NagarAjmeraMoshiSector 11MugawadeMukund NagarMulshiMumbai Bangalore HighwayMumbai Pune ExpresswayMumbai Pune HighwayMundhwaMundhwa RoadKeshav NagarLonkar NagarN. C. LNIBM RoadNagar RoadNana PethNanded CityNanekarwadiNarayan PethNarayangaonNarheBhumkar NagarNasrapurNatu BaugNavale BridgeNavi PethNavsaiyadariNear InoxNehru NagarNew Kalyani NagarNew Mangalwar PethNew SangviNibmNibm AnnexeNigdiPradhikaranNighojeNiranjan ParkOld Khandala RoadOld SangviPawar NagarOwalePadmavatiPanchvatiPandurang ColonyPanshetParande NagarParvatiParvati PaythaWalvekar NagarChs ColonyPashanPashan Sus RoadSomeshwarwadiPaud RoadPavana LakePavana NagarPhule NagarPhursungiPimplePimple GuravKranti NagarPimple NilakhVishal NagarPimple SaudagarPimple Saudagar Shivraj ColonyShivraj ColonyShreeji ViharSplendor CountyPimpri ChinchwadKokane NagarMorewadiPimpri ColonyShahunagarTapkir NagarPingoriPirangutPisoliPrabhat RoadPradhikarnPratik NagarPunawalePune City OldPune Nashik HighwayPune Solapur RoadPune Station RoadPune WestPunya NagariPurandarPushp NagariRahataniRajgurunagarRajgurunagar KhedRamkrishna Paramhans Nagar KothrudRamtekdi Industrial Area HadapsarRange HillsRanjangaonRanjangaon MIDCRasta PethRatnagiriRavetRaviwar PethRiheRohan GarimaSadashivpethSade Satra Nali HadapsarSadhu Vaswani NagarSahakar NagarSahar RoadSai ChowkSai Nagar ParkSainath NagarSainikwadiSalisbary ParkSalunke ViharSanaswadiSangam NagarSangamvadiSangamwadi RoadSangrunSangviSarolaSasoon RoadSaswadSaswad RoadSatara RoadSawant ViharSatav Nagar HadapsarSatsangSawantwadi PuneSayyed NagarSector No 26Sector No. 1 BhosariShalimar ChowkShaniwar PethShankar kalat NagarShankarsheth RoadShanti NagarShastri NagarTridal NagarShewalewadiShikrapurShinde NagarShinde Vasti HadapsarShirgaonShiroliShirurShirwalShiv Nagar HadapsarShivaji Housing SocietyShivaji NagarModel ColonyShivaneShivapurShivatkar NiraShivtirth Nagar PuneShukrawar PethSiddartha NagarSiddharth NagarSiddhivinayak ViharSidhart NagarSinhagad RoadSivasailamSomataneSomatane PhataSomwar PethSaraswat ColonySopan BaugSouth Main RoadSukhsagar NagarSunarwadiSurbhi ParkSusSutarwadiSwalanki NagarSwami Vivekanand Nagar WakadSwargateT Block Bhosari MIDCTakweTalawadeJyotiba NagarTalegaonTalegaon DabhadeTalegaon MIDC Road PuneKadolkar ColonyNana Bhalerao ColonySadguru NagarSwaraj NagariVatan NagarTaluka VelheTalwadeTamhini GhatTanaji NagarTathawadeThergaonTheur RoadTilak RoadTingre NagarTugauliTukaram Tupe Nagar HadapsarTulsi BaugUday BaugUdyog Nagar HadapsarUndriUndri Chowk PuneAtur NagarBellagioIndira NagarShree Siddhivinayak MeeraUniversity RoadUpper Indira NagarUruli DevachiUruli KanchanUttam NagarVadgaonVadgaon MavalGhule nagarVaidehi EnclaveVaiduwadi HadapsarVelheVetal Nagar HadapsarVidya NagarTingare NagarVijay NagarViman NagarClover ParkKonark NagarMhada ColonySakore NagarVishnupuram ColonyVishrantwadiWadachi WadiWadebolaiWadegaonWadgaon B. KWadgaon SheriHari NagarSainath NagarSainikwadiSomnath NagarWadkiWadmukhwadiWagholiKATKEWADIKalubai NagarKanchan PuramKesnand RoadKhandve NagarUbale NagarWakadBelthika NagarWakadkar WastiWakdewadiWanowrieDivya NagarWanwadiWargeWarjeWashiWatundeYavatPmc ColonyYewalewadimore
  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Farm House Commercial Shops Showrooms Office Space Business Center Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land Guest House Hotel & Restaurant Warehouse / Godown Factory Penthouse Studio Apartments
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    Real Estate Agents

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Kale Properties And Consultant Services

  • Shashikant
  • Yerawada, Pune
  • 9+ Year of Experience
  • Has Upto 10 People working with him
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Review & Rating of Kale Properties And Consultant Services

  • Ram

    Reviewed : Feb 20, 2024

    I wanted to sell my commercial property and thus contacted this real estate agent. The agent helped me in reaching out to a wider audience. The agent was very helpful and always suggested me whatever benefits me the most. Owing to this agent, I cracked the best deal for my property.

  • Rohit Verma

    Reviewed : Feb 19, 2024

    People at Kale Properties And Consultant Services were extremely helpful and did all the work necessary to the best of their ability

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