K AND N Group

Acme Heights Colony, Mohali
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About K AND N Group

During the last few years, post liberalization of the Indian economy, the Indian real estate market has witnessed a major shift in consumers' lifestyle and preferences. Rising living standards and increasing disposable incomes are inspiring more and more people today to invest in quality residences. To capitalize on the fact that people are now looking for a better, more convenient and well equipped place to live in, the KN Group decided to venture into the Real Estate sector. In partnership with the famous IBD Group of Central India, the KN Group has launched Greenearth Infraventures Pvt. Ltd., which aims at providing high standard living and a premium lifestyle through its quality offerings.
  • Areas of Operation

    MohaliAcme Heights Colony
  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Farm House Showrooms Office Space Business Center Residential Land / Plots
  • Services Offered

    Real Estate Agents

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K AND N Group

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  • Acme Heights Colony, Mohali

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K AND N Group Agent / +91-76966xxxxx
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