Confidence Group Real Estate Service

Trimurti Nagar, Nagpur
4.9   7 7 reviews
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About Confidence Group Real Estate Service

Based in Nagpur (Maharashtra), Confidence Group Real Estate Service is a real estate company that specializes in providing customers with quality residential and commercial real estate services. Our mission is to help people find the best homes and workplaces that suit their budgets and preferences. Our residential and commercial property solutions are driven by a thorough understanding of the customers needs and a vast database. We know the pulse of real estate in Nagpur better than anyone else.

As a negotiator between property owners and end customers, we strive to provide personalized attention to both parties. We know that buying, selling, or renting a property is a challenging job, especially for a first-timer, which is why we provide reliable guidance and support every step of the way.

We are backed by a team of experienced and efficient professionals who possess a thorough knowledge of the property market and are dedicated to providing top-notch services to our customers. We believe in honest business policy, which is the key to building good relationships with customers and business associates. We strive to create strong bonds with customers while ensuring all information regarding residential and commercial properties in Nagpur provided by us is up-to-date and correct.

At Confidence Group Real Estate Service, we take pride in our potential to cater to all residential and commercial property demands. Whether you are looking for a spacious house for your family in a good locality, a space for a retail shop, office, or a location for your new business, we have a wide range of options. We interact with our customers continuously to understand their requirements and preferences and provide tailored solutions that meet their needs.

  • Areas of Operation

    NagpurTrimurti NagarJaitalaPratap NagarIndraprastha NagarAakar NagarAbhyankar NagarAhuja NagarAjniAmbazariSaraswati Vihar ColonyAmbika NagarAmravati RoadHindustan ColonyAnant NagarArvind NagarBajaj NagarBalabhaupethBalaji NagarBardiBayaramji TownBel TarodiBeltarodiBesaBesa Pipla RoadAlankar NagarChandika NagarButiboriChaoniChinch BhaulCivil LinesPriyadarshani ColonyClark TownCotton MarketDabhaDattatray NagarDattawadiDindayal NagarFriends ColonyJagruti ColonyNew Jagruti ColonyGadge NagarGandhibaghGanesh NagarGanesh PethGaneshpeth ColonyGayatri NagarGokulpethGopal NagarGorepethHawrapethHazari PahadHingnaHingna RoadWanadongriHudkeshwarHudkeshwar RoadIndoraIndraprasth LayoutIsasaniIt ParkKhamlaAshok ColonyCentral Exicise ColonyKotwal NagarRamkrishna NagarSahkar NagarSneh NagarTrisaran NagarVenkatesh NagarKhapriKt NagarKuhiLavaLaxmi NagarLokmanya NagarMIDC HingnaMadhav NagarManewadaAlankar NagarPandey LayoutParsodiRahate ColonyRaj NagarRam NagarBajiprabhu NagarRameshwariRanapratap NagarRavi NagarRing RoadShantinagar ColonySita BuldiSneha NagarSomalwadaManish NagarSone GaonSonegaon NipaniSubhash NagarSurabardiSurendra NagarSurve NagarSurya NagarTelecom NagarBhange ViharBhau Saheb Survey NagarSainath NagarUjwal NagarRajendra Nagarmore
  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Farm House Commercial Shops Showrooms Office Space Business Center Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land Guest House Hotel & Restaurant Warehouse / Godown Factory Penthouse Studio Apartments
  • Services Offered

    Real Estate Agents

More information

Confidence Group Real Estate Service

  • Aman Meshram
  • Trimurti Nagar, Nagpur
  • 11+ Year of Experience
  • Has Upto 10 People working with him

Properties for Sale by Confidence Group Real Estate Service

Properties for Rent by Confidence Group Real Estate Service

Review & Rating of Confidence Group Real Estate Service

  • Rajiv Ved

    Reviewed : Feb 17, 2024

    Did a superb job…There were no unexpected issues during the whole process of my property selling

  • Mrunal

    Reviewed : Jan 18, 2024

    Services of this real estate consultant set new standards for integrity, reliability professionalism, and results

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Confidence Group Real Estate Service Agent / +91-99238xxxxx
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