Housing Mentors

Housing Mentors

Kharadi, Pune
4.5   5 5 reviews
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RERA STATUS Reg No. A52100033352

About Housing Mentors

Housing Mntors is a prominnt ral stat brokrag firm basd in Pun, Maharashtra, committed to providing comprhnsiv srvics in th dynamic and vr-volving ral stat markt. Establishd with a vision to simplify proprty transactions, Housing Mntors taks prid in bing a trustd partner for individuals and businsss sking to buy, sll, or rnt proprtis in and around Pun.

Our Mission:

At Housing Mntors, our mission is to mpowr our clints by providing xprt guidanc and prsonalizd solutions for thir ral stat nds. W striv to build lasting rlationships based on trust, intgrity, and profssionalism, nsuring a samlss and rwarding xprinc for our clints in vry proprty transaction.



Housing Mntors undrstands th significanc of finding th prfct hom or invstmnt proprty. Our tam of xprincd and knowldgabl brokrs assists clints in identifying and acquiring proprtis that align with thir prfrncs, nds, and financial goals.


Whn it coms to slling a proprty, Housing Mntors mploys stratgic markting tchniqus and a vast ntwork to nsur maximum visibility. W guid our clints through th ntir slling procss, from proprty valuation to closing th dal, with a focus on achiving th bst possibl outcoms.


For thos looking to rnt a proprty, Housing Mntors simplifis th sarch procss by prsnting a curatd slction of rntal options. Our tam nsurs that tnants and landlords find mutually bnficial agrmnts, promoting long-term satisfaction for both parties.

Why Choos Housing Mntors?


Our tam consists of sasond ral stat profssionals who possss in-dpth knowldg of th local markt trnds, proprty valus, and lgal intricacis. This xprtis allows us to offer informd advice and solutions tailord to ach clint's unique rquirmnts.

Clint-Cntric Approach:

Housing Mntors prioritizs th nds and goals of our clints. W bliv in transparnt communication, activly listening to clint concerns, and providing prsonalizd assistanc to nsur a positiv xprinc throughout th ral stat journy.

Intgrity and Trust:

Trust is the foundation of our business. Housing Mntors oprats with th highst lvls of intgrity, honsty, and profssionalism. Our commitmnt to thical practics fostrs trust and crdibility among our clints and partnrs.

Local Knowldg, Global Rach:

Whil rootd in Pun, Housing Mntors lvrags its xtnsiv ntwork and rsourcs to catr to clints with divrs rquirmnts. Our global approach nsurs that we can assist clints in making informd decisions, whthr thy ar local or intrnational invstors.

  • Areas of Operation

    PuneKharadiWagholiBalewadiMalwadiPandhari NagarRaghavendra NagarRajaram Patil NagarRakshak NagarThite NagarTulaja Bhawani NagarVitthal NagarYashwant NagarLohegaonNimbalkar NagarPawar VastiSathe VastiKhandve NagarUbale NagarYerawadaKATKEWADIEON Free Zone PuneManjriDhanoriTingre NagarViman NagarKoregaon Park AnnexeKalyani NagarKeshav NagarMundhwaHadapsarKeshav NagarNIBM RoadNibmKoregaon ParkHinjewadimore
  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Builder Floor
  • Services Offered

    Real Estate Agents

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Review & Rating of Housing Mentors

  • Shubhangi

    Reviewed : Jan 22, 2025

    I am Highly impressed with people of Housing Mentors and they provided me perfect real estate need for my house

  • Lelidevi

    Reviewed : Dec 29, 2023

    I contacted the agent and obtained the services for property selling. I wanted to sale my property which is a 3 BHK flat. After contacting many real estate agents, only this agent has helped me in getting the right amount for my property. I got many inquiries and responded to them. These responses got converted into profitable deals quickly without much hassle.

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Housing Mentors Agent / +91-76200xxxxx
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