Hindustan Buildwell Pvt. Ltd.

Hindustan Buildwell Pvt. Ltd.

Jhandewalan, Delhi
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About Hindustan Buildwell Pvt. Ltd.

Hindustan Buildwell Pvt. Ltd. is one of the foremost and well reputed player in the real estate sector in India. The company was established in 1998, registered on dated 28/03/2006 under the companies act 1956 and got ISO 9001:2000 on 19/01/2007 under the leadership Mr. Ajay Chabra and Rajni Chhabra, and since then worked hard toward providing world class townships, shopping malls, housing complexes, offices and medical facilities. In a short span Hindustan Buildwell Pvt. Ltd. has carved a niche for itself in the real estate industry. The company has an expertise in land consolidation and land procurement; along with extensive experience in construction business. Although it is a recent entrant to this industry, Hindustan Buildwell Pvt. Ltd. has established itself as a household name. Besides this, the company is planning to launch real estate projects in the next 2 years in different cosmopolitan City.
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    Builders Building Contractors

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Hindustan Buildwell Pvt. Ltd.

  • Ajay Chabra/Vinod(G.M.)
  • Jhandewalan, Delhi

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Hindustan Buildwell Pvt. Ltd. Builder /
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