RERA STATUS Not Available
Harvijas Raltors is a prmir ral stat brokrag firm basd in th vibrant stat of Uttar Pradsh, India. Establishd with a commitmnt to xcllnc, Harvijas Raltors spcializs in facilitating samlss proprty transactions, hlping clints buy and sll proprtis with confidnc and as.
Our Mission:
At Harvijas Raltors, our mission is to b th trustd partnr for individuals and businsss sking to navigat th complx ral stat landscap. W aim to provid unparallld srvic, nsuring that our clints achiv thir proprty goals whil xprincing a smooth and rwarding ral stat journy.
Clint-Cntric Approach:
W undrstand that vry clint is uniqu, with distinct nds and prfrncs. Harvijas Raltors adopts a clint-cntric approach, tailoring our srvics to mt individual rquirmnts. Whthr you'r slling a rsidntial proprty, commrcial spac, or agricultural land, w ar committd to dlivring prsonalizd solutions that align with your goals.
Markt Exprtis:
Our in-depth knowledge of th Uttar Pradsh ral stat markt mpowrs us to provide accurate and timly information to our clients. From proprty valuation to markt trnds, w kp our clints wll-informd, nabling thm to mak informd dcisions that align with thir financial objctivs.
Why Choos Harvijas Raltors?
Profssionalism: Our tam consists of highly skilld and licnsd ral stat profssionals committd to upholding th highst standards of profssionalism and thics.
Local Exprtis: As a firm rootd in Uttar Pradsh, w possss a dp undrstanding of th local markt dynamics, rgulations, and trnds.
Innovativ Markting: Harvijas Raltors lvrags cutting-dg markting tools and stratgis to nsur your proprty gts th attntion it dsrvs, both locally and globally.
Clint Satisfaction: W prioritiz clint satisfaction, aiming to xcd xpctations in vry transaction. Our commitmnt to transparnt communication and clint advocacy sts us apart in th industry.
Contact Us:
For all your ral stat nds in Uttar Pradsh, trust Harvijas Raltors to provide professional, rliabl, and prsonalizd srvics. Contact us today to xplor th possibilitis and mbark on a successful ral stat journy.
112 Sq. Meter(Built Up Area)
85 Lac
Indirapuram, Shakti Khand 4, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
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90 Sq. Meter(Built Up Area)
48 Lac
Niti Khand 2, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
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90 Sq. Meter(Built Up Area)
58 Lac
Niti Khand 1, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
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90 Sq. Meter(Built Up Area)
54 Lac
Gyan Khand 1, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
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90 Sq. Meter(Built Up Area)
65 Lac
Gyan Khand 2, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
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100 Sq. Meter(Built Up Area)
65 Lac
Gyan Khand 1, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
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90 Sq. Meter(Built Up Area)
58 Lac
Shakti Khand 4, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
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90 Sq. Meter(Built Up Area)
62 Lac
Shakti Khand 4, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
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Royal Choudhary
Reviewed : Jan 15, 2024This property agent offered me good quality services in the least possible time at the best price
Dr. Anasuya Bhadalkar
Reviewed : Dec 16, 2023This real estate agent has been a constant support for me when I was looking for a property to purchase in the outskirts. I wanted to have a property according to my requirements and as per my budget. This real estate agent has helped me a lot in obtaining the apt property for myself. Thank You!
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