GV Builders and Developers

Muneeswara Nagar, Hosur
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About GV Builders and Developers

Builders and developers are key players in the real estate and construction industry, each with distinct roles and responsibilities. They work together to create, manage, and transform properties, but their functions within the industry are different. Construction: Builders oversee the actual construction process, including tasks like excavation, foundation laying, framing, roofing, electrical and plumbing work, insulation, drywall installation, flooring, and more. Supervision: Builders manage construction workers, subcontractors, and suppliers to ensure that the project progresses according to the approved plans and schedule. Quality Control: Builders are responsible for ensuring that the construction work meets quality standards and adheres to local building codes and regulations.
  • Areas of Operation

    HosurMuneeswara Nagar
  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor
  • Services Offered

    Real Estate Agents

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GV Builders and Developers

  • Chotti
  • Muneeswara Nagar, Hosur

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GV Builders and Developers Agent / +91-86103xxxxx
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