Sudarshan Broking

Sudarshan Broking

Mira Road, Mumbai
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About Sudarshan Broking

I have been in real estate for over 7 years and, previously, in real estate investment for over 4 years. I have built a reputation as a hard working, knowledgeable agent in the Mumbai and Thane. I have earned the trust of numerous buyers and sellers and always work my hardest to achieve my clients goal-not mine. This is a challenging time in real estate and each client has his/her own goals in mind. I give every client my full attention and the scope of my experience to make sure we find the right solution to fit their needs. If you are a homeowner preparing to sell, Ill help you understand the current climate is and how best to get the highest price for your home in the shortest amount of time. If you owe more than your home is currently worth I can help there too. It can be a stressful and confusing process if you dont have the right agent. I am a certified Short Sale and Foreclosure Resource for the National Association Of Realtors. Every short sale transaction I have had has been successful. For home buyers, I want to understand all of the attributes you are looking for in a new home and connect you with the properties that most fulfill those needs. Buying or selling a home is a very important step in your life and I want to make it as simple and trouble free as possible. I would love to have the opportunity to help you fulfill this very important goal. I will always be honest and give you the same level of service I would demand for myself. Misson We have been relentlessly providing exceptional real estate services to the clients for a long time now. And we only aim to continually provide clients with the same services for the coming years. We are setting new benchmarks of excellence and aim to touch the apex by not only meeting clients expectations rather exceeding.
  • Areas of Operation

    MumbaiMira Road
    ThaneVasai Vasant Nagar
  • Services Offered

    Builders Architects

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Sudarshan Broking

  • Y.K.Pujari
  • Mira Road, Mumbai

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Sudarshan Broking Builder / +91-98200xxxxx
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