Girjapati Royal Build

Girjapati Royal Build

Varanasi, Ramnagar
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About Girjapati Royal Build

Unlock the best real estate opportunities with Girjapati Royal Build, a real estate company based in Ramnagar, Varanasi! Guided by our thoughtful research-based consulting services, we always strive to meet every real estate need of our customers sell, or managing residential properties or commercial properties. Our team comprises top-tier real estate brokers, advisors, and real estate attorneys, all of whom bring their wealth of knowledge to deliver only the best to customers. We offer only unbiased advice regarding your real estate matters with no conflicting interests.
  • Areas of Operation

    GhaziabadAnkur ViharDLF ColonyG. T. Road
    VaranasiRamnagarAalampuraAkathaAllahabad RoadArdaly BazarAshapurAwaleshpurAzamgarh RoadBabatpurBachchhawBada LalpurBadi Patiya RoadBadshahbagh ColonyBanaras Hindu UniversityBansphatakBaragaonBhagwanpurBhelpuraBhojubeerBhojuveerBhullanpurBirdopurBulanalaCentral Jail RoadChandmariChaubepurChaukChetganjChhataripurChhittupurChiraigaon Rustampur MargChitaipurChunar RoadDLW ColonyDarekhuDashashwamedh GhatDig ColonyDurgakundG T RoadGaneshpurGanga GhathGangapurGodowliaGomti NagarGurubagh Main RoadHarahuaHarhuaHukul GanjHyderabad GateJanki NagarKabir ChauraKabir NagarKachnarKakarmattaKamachhaKanchanpurKandwaKaraundiKashiKazi SaraKchhwaKhajuriKhushipurKotwaKotwaliLahartaraAmala NagarManik NagarLahurabirLakhraw RoadLalpurLankaLedhupurLohtaLuxaMaheshpurMahmoorganjMain RoadMajhbhitiyanMaldahiyaManduadihManduwadihMaqbool Alam RoadMarhauliMaruadih Railway SettlementMeerapur BasahiMirzamuradNH 2NadesarNagwaNarayanpurNuawnOm Nagar ColonyOrdali BazarPahariaPandeypurParaoParmanandpurPatiaPhulwariaRaja BazarRajatalabRajghatRamanaRamkatotaRathyatraRavindrapuriRohaniaSaket NagarSalarpurSamne GhatSarnathShivdaspurShivpurShivraj NagarSidhgiribaghSigraSikraulSindhora RoadSinghitaliSonarpuraSri Ram Nagar ColonySudamapurSundarpurSusuwahiTarnaUpasna NagarVaranasi CanttVidyapeeth RoadVinayakaSultanpurmore
  • Property Deals In

    Farm House Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land Guest House Hotel & Restaurant Warehouse / Godown Factory Penthouse Villa
  • Services Offered

    Builders Vaastu Consultant Real Estate Agents

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Girjapati Royal Build

  • Abhishek Gupta
  • Varanasi, Ramnagar
  • 4+ Year of Experience
  • Has Upto 10 People working with him

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