About Engel Bert Estate PVT LTD
Finding the right property or selling property at the right price in and around Dholera SIR just got easier with Engel Bert. Founded by Mandeep Dhillon, Engel Bert is a company full of passionate realtors who provide complete real estate services. To solve this trouble, Engel Bert has the best realtors on the team. Our team comprises real estate agents, real estate brokers, property dealers, and property dealing consultants. Our team of professionals is different from other real estate company agents as we believe that customer requirements are our priority. We listen to our customers requirements and special requests, and based on that, we list properties that are most suitable for our respected clients. Due to this policy, a plethora of clients have put their trust in us, making us one of the most trusted and reputed real estate dealing companies in the state of Haryana. Our main office is located in Hisar, Haryana, but now that we are working in Ahmedabad.
Areas of Operation
Delhi10B Jasola ViharAdarsh NagarBlock BBlock CDashrath PuriPankha RoadRaghu NagarSitapuri ExtensionVaishaliDarya GanjAnsari RoadAsaf Ali RoadDefence ColonyBlock ABlock BBlock CBlock EBlock DPant NagarDeshbandhu Gupta Roadmore SuratAbhvaAdajanAdajan Honey ParkAdajan PatiyaMuktanand NagarAlthanAmroliAnand Mahal RoadAnavalAsunderAthwaAthwa GateAthwa LinesBadekha ChaklaBajipuraBamroli RoadBarbodhanBardoliBegampuraBhagalBhanodraBhatarBhatar RoadBhatenaBhatporeBhestanBhimradCanal RoadCauseway RoadChalthanChauta BazarChauta PulChhaprabhathaChoryasiCity lightDabholiDahin NagarDandaDandi RoadDeladvaDevadhDhamdodDindoliDumas RoadGabheniGhod Dod RoadGodadaraGopipuraHaripuraJahangirabadmore PalwalAligarh RoadAllikaBagholaBali NagarBamni KheraBanchariChirawataDev Nagar ColonyDudholaGadhpuriGandhi Ashram ColonyHassanpurHathinHodalHoshangabadHousing Board ColonyJawahar Nagar CampKalra ColonyKatesraKrishna colonyKushakLalwaMandkolaMoti ColonyNH 2NagaliaNew ColonyNew Colony ExtensionOMAXE CITY 1PrithlaSector 2Sector 7Shyam NagarSolraTatarpur Industrial Areamore PanipatAmar Bhawan ChowkArya NagarAsan KhurdAssandh RoadAzad NagarBabarpur MandiBadauliBapoliBhagat NagarBhatia ColonyChandni BaghDutta ColonyFaridpurFriends ColonyGT Karnal RoadGanjbarGeeta ColonyGohana RoadHSIIDCHari Bagh ColonyDiwan NagarHudaIsranaJagannath ViharJatal RoadJattalKabriKacha CampKalkhaKhalilaKrishanpuraLaxmi NagarMadlaudaMahavir ColonyMatlodaModel TownNew Hb ColonyNew Ramesh NagarNew Subzi MandiNoorwalaPatel NagarPrakash Nagar PanipatRailway RoadRajiv ColonyRam NagarRefinery RoadSamalkhaSanoli RoadSat Kartar ColonySector 11Sector 12Sector 13-17Sector 19Sector 24Sector 25Sector 29Sector 29 Part IISector 40Sector 7Sector 78SewahShastri ColonySikanderpurSukdev NagarTDI CityTaraf AnsarTaraf Makhdum ZadganTaraf RajputanVikas NagarVirat NagarYamuna Enclavemore RewariArjun NagarBawalCompany BaghDelhi RoadDevlawasDharuheraDurga ColonyGarhi Bolni RoadHussainpurJatusanaJhajjar RoadKathuwasKhasapuraKholKhoriKosliKund RewariKutubpurMadhu ViharModel TownNai BastiPataudiPuran NagarRajesh Pilot ChowkRao Tularam ViharRewari RuralSaraswati ViharSector 12Sector 15Sector 18Sector 19Sector 22Sector 25Sector 26Sector 27Sector 3Sector 4Sector 5Sector 6Shakti NagarShanti NagarAnand NagarUttam NagarVijay NagarVikas NagarYadav Nagarmore JhajjarBadliBadsaBahadurgarhBeriBhaprodaBhurawasChhuchhakwasDadri RoadDighalJakhodaKulanaLadrawanLalchand ColonyLuhariMarotMatanhailPWD Rest HousePataudaSankholSector 6Sector 9more NuhBarotaFerozepur JhirkaGajarpurGhaseraHirmathlaIndariKotlaNalharPunahanaRewasanTajpurTaurumore AhmedabadDholeraJanta Nagar100 Ft Ring Road132 Ft. Ring RoadAcherAhme WestAhmedabad CantonmentAmbawadiAmbliAmraiwadiAnand DhamAyojan NagarBagodaraBakrolBapunagarBarejaBhadraBhim Ji PurBholadBimanagarBodakdev200ft Ring RoadIndia ColonyRing RoadVikram NagarC. G. RoadChanakyapuriCtmD ColonyDOS ColonyDariapurDaskroiKubadthalKuhaDholkaDrive In RoadGIDC SANAND 2Gandhinagar HighwayGandhinagar Roadmore SonipatSector 32Sector 578 MarlaAdarsh NagarAkbarpur BarotaAnand NagarAshok NagarAternaBagruBahalgarhBarhiBarwasniBhagat PuraDev NagarDevruDhaturiDurga ColonyGT Karnal RoadGanaurGohanaHem NagarJanta ColonyJeevan NagarJeevan ViharJhundpurKhanna ColonyKharkhodaKhewraKrishna NagarKumashpurKundliTDI CityMayur ViharModel TownMohan NagarMukimpurMundlanaMurthalNH 1NandnaurNathupurNew Mahavir ColonyNew Tara NagarOmaxe CityParsvnath CitySector 17Sector 18Sector 19Sector 1ASector 23Sector 24Sector 26Sector 27Sector 33Sector 34Sector 35Sector 37Sector 42Sector 55Sector 61Sector 63Sector 7Sector 8Sector 9SewaliShastri NagarSikka ColonySinghuSonipat Bypass RoadSubhash ChowkVikas Nagarmore GurgaonSurat Nagar Phase 1Model TownShanti NagarShivaji NagarPrem NagarPatel NagarPocket ECyber CityBlock DBlock FSikanderpurInfocity 2Cyber ParkBegampur KhatolaBehrampurBelvedre TowerBinolaBlock A Palam ViharBlock A Sector 17Block B Palam ViharBlock B Sector 17Phase IVWazirpurmore
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Dholera, Ahmedabad
3.26 - 10.15 Lac
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Review & Rating of Engel Bert Estate PVT LTD
Anushka Rajput
Reviewed : Oct 10, 2022
This real estate agent has helped me in purchasing a land of my own. I wanted to purchase a land out of the city and thus, I contacted this agent. The agent helped me in getting the best deal for the land that I wanted to purchase. And, now I am a proud owner of my dream house on that particular land. Thank you!
Dr Kris
Reviewed : Oct 03, 2022
I have recently contacted this real estate agent as I wanted to sell my 4 BHK flat. I got many calls and messages enquiring about the property as soon as I got into contact with the agent. I got the best deal within a single month for my property. I am really happy that I decided to contact this agent.

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