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Wlcom to Diwan Consultants, your prmir dstination for comprhnsiv ral stat solutions in th vibrant stat of Maharashtra, India. With a commitmnt to xcllnc and a dp undrstanding of th local proprty markt, w ar your trustd partnrs in making your ral stat drams a rality.
Company Ovrviw:
Diwan Consultants is a dynamic and customr-cntric ral stat consultancy firm based in Maharashtra. Our tam of xprincd professionals brings a walth of knowledge and xprtis to th tabl, nsuring that our clints rciv th highst lvl of srvic whn it coms to buying, slling, or rnting proprtis.
Our Mission:
At Diwan Consultants, our mission is to provide unparallld ral stat srvics that xcd th xpctations of our clints. W striv to b th go-to advisors for individuals and businsss sking rliabl and transparnt ral stat transactions in Maharashtra.
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Amreek Developers LLP
Reviewed : Jan 23, 2025Undoubtedly one of the trusted real estate agents in Wada, Palghar provided awesome services
Reviewed : Jul 26, 2024I am very happy with how I was treated at Diwan Consultant….The services were absolutely fantastic
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