Divya Sshakti Realtors

Umroli, Palghar
4.0   1 1 reviews
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About Divya Sshakti Realtors

Based in Palghar (Maharashtra), Divya Sshakti Realtors is a well-known real estate dealer/broker offering the finest properties in prime localities. No matter what kind of property you are looking for, Divya Shakti Realtors is the perfect solution for a seamless property search. We are the professionals who can empower you to make reliable, worthy, well-informed & right property decisions. We facilitate selling and renting properties, ensuring the best selling and rental amount for customers. \r\nDivya Shakti Realtors is synonymous with transparency, integrity, trust, professionalism, and value. Our prime focus is on developing lasting relationships and not just transactions. We have gained an immense reputation in the industry for our trusty services. Since our inception, we have helped many home buyers, investors, and tenants get their ideal properties based on their needs, preferences, and budget. We offer properties sourced from top builders and developers. We offer not just a wide array of residential & commercial properties but also all relevant information and necessary assistance to finalize profitable deals.\r\nWe have etched a distinct niche in this realty business. Under the brilliant leadership of Mr. Dinesh Singh Rajput, we are successfully moving towards growth and success. He has motivated the team to achieve the companys goal and remain ahead of the curve.\r\nWhy Choose Us?\r\nWe at Divya Shakti Realtors focus on customers best interests and offer exceptional services to achieve customer satisfaction. Our ethical practices ensure transparency in all our dealings. Buyers, sellers, and investors across Palghar have certified us as a trusted entity in the real estate industry. Divya Shakti Realtors is the right place for anyone who needs expert guidance for buying, selling, or renting property.
  • Areas of Operation

    PalgharUmroli Palghar
  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Commercial Shops
  • Services Offered

    Real Estate Agents

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Divya Sshakti Realtors

  • Dinesh Singh Rajput
  • Umroli, Palghar
  • 0+ Year of Experience
  • Has Upto 10 People working with him
  • Has Office in Umroli, Palghar

Review & Rating of Divya Sshakti Realtors

  • Tejash Thakur

    Reviewed : Oct 29, 2024

    I am Highly impressed with people of Divya Shakti Realtors and they provided me perfect real estate need for my house

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Divya Sshakti Realtors Agent / +91-97641xxxxx
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