Daksh Realty

Daksh Realty

Indira Nagar, Nashik
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About Daksh Realty

Established a decade ago Daksh Realty is a name of trust, integrity and reliability. The main focus of the company is to develop properties with all modern facilities and specifications which match all the required standards. Our customers are like members of our family so we pay more attention to their desires and requirements and we don't leave any stone unturned in fulfilling their desires. The company is managed by highly qualified professionals who are fully engrossed to ensure that the company maintains its high standards in quality construction, timely delivery and customer satisfaction.
  • Areas of Operation

    NashikIndira Nagar
  • Services Offered

    Builders Real Estate Agents Building Contractors

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Daksh Realty

  • Hiren
  • Indira Nagar, Nashik

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Daksh Realty Builder / +91-94222xxxxx
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