RERA STATUS Reg No. A51800000834
Wlcom to Bastvi Estat, whr xcllnc mts innovation in th ralm of ral stat consulting. Establishd with a passion for dlivring unparallld srvic, Bastvi Estat has mrgd as a trustd advisor in th dynamic and volving ral stat landscap.
Our Vision:
At Bastvi Estat, our vision is to rdfin th ral stat consulting xprinc. W striv to b mor than consultants; w aspir to b your partnrs in navigating th complxitis of th ral stat markt, nsuring that your journy is charactrizd by informd dcisions and succssful outcoms.
Why Choos Bastvi Estat?
Consultativ Approach: W bliv in a consultativ approach to ral stat. Our tam of sasond consultants taks th tim to undrstand your goals, prfrncs, and uniqu circumstancs. This prsonalizd approach allows us to tailor our srvics to mt your specific nds.
Markt Insight: Bastvi Estat prids itslf on staying ahad of markt trnds and dynamics. Armd with up-to-date information, w provid our clints with valuabl insights, nabling thm to mak informd dcisions in a rapidly changing ral stat landscap.
Profssionalism: Our commitmnt to profssionalism is unwavring. Bastvi Estat consultants ar highly skilld and ddicatd professionals with a passion for dlivring xcptional srvic. W prioritiz transparncy, intgrity, and thical business practices in vry intraction.
Comprhnsiv Srvics: Whthr you ar a first-tim hombuyr, an invstor, or a sasond proprty ownr, Bastvi Estat offrs a comprhnsiv rang of consulting srvics. From proprty valuation to invstmnt stratgy, w ar hr to guid you at vry stag of your ral stat journy.
Srvics W Offr:
Invstmnt Consulting: Unlock th full potential of your ral stat invstmnts with Bastvi Estat's xprt invstmnt consulting srvics. W hlp you idntify lucrativ opportunitis and dvlop stratgis to maximiz rturns.
Markt Analysis: Stay ahad of th curv with our in-depth markt analysis. Bastvi Estat provids dtaild rports and insights to kp you informd about currnt markt trnds, nsuring you mak dcisions with confidnc.
Transaction Support: Whthr you are buying, slling, or lasing, our consultants provide transaction support, guiding you through the process and nsuring a smooth and fficint xprinc.
Contact Bastvi Estat:
Rady to mbark on a journy of ral stat succss? Contact Bastvi Estat today and xprinc th diffrnc of having a ddicatd and knowldgabl consultant by your sid. Let us turn your ral stat goals into rality.
1000 Sq.ft.(Built Up Area)
2.35 Cr.
Malad West, Mumbai
Society : Interface Height
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5400 Sq.ft.(Carpet Area)
16.32 Cr.
Andheri West, Lokhandwala, Andheri West, Mumbai
Society : Mohid Swiz Heights
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700 Sq.ft.(Built Up Area)
1.35 Cr.
Andheri West, Andheri Link Road, Andheri West, Mumbai
Society : Mohid Swiz Heights
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480 Sq.ft.(Carpet Area)
Malad West, Mumbai
Society : HDIL Dheeraj Solitaire
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800 Sq.ft.(Built Up Area)
Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Society : Palm Court
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850 Sq.ft.(Built Up Area)
Lokhandwala, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Society : Andheri CHS
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Reviewed : Dec 20, 2023This real estate agent has helped us in purchasing an ideal 3BHK flat in the posh area and at the most reasonable price. We have contacted many agents before but nobody was suggesting a good deal in comparison to this agent. I am thankful to the agent for helping us in getting the best deal.
Deep A Rawal
Reviewed : Dec 13, 2023This real estate agent has helped me in purchasing a land of my own. I wanted to purchase a land out of the city and thus, I contacted this agent. The agent helped me in getting the best deal for the land that I wanted to purchase. And, now I am a proud owner of my dream house on that particular land. Thank you!
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