Khamla, Nagpur
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RERA STATUS Reg No. P50500023279


Balaji Group provides excellent commercial and residential property management and brokerage services to clients from all over Nagpur, Maharashtra. We serve private investors, institutions, corporations and private homeowners till they are satisfied.

We, as a team under the erstwhile leadership of Mr. Aman Jagtap, are very proud of the accomplishments of our company and the satisfaction of the clients whom we dedicatedly serve. We adopt an integrated team-based approach to our business which has given us a highly effective response from customers not only in Nagpur but also from newcomers to the city.

Our communication and proactive response to our clients demands and requirements has taken us to the next level in business. We are highly appreciated for all our endeavours which have all been a success to date. With this, we solicit your cooperation and support in all our projects.

We treat our customers not just as numbers but as entities who are the most important assets for us. They are our first priority and we work in close association with each and every customer so that we can achieve success. Our highest level of experience and performance has made us the most preferred destination when it comes to property-related matters.

We value every member of our team and thus we continually look forward to educating and upgrading them so that the best can be achieved in the interest of our client base which is fast growing in appreciable numbers. Thus we always strive to provide the best and most conducive atmosphere for every member of the team which in turn will reflect positively on the company.

  • Areas of Operation

    NagpurRaj NagarWardha RoadShankarpurKhamlaAakar NagarAbhyankar NagarAhuja NagarAjniAmbazariSaraswati Vihar ColonyAmbika NagarAmravati RoadAmrawatiHindustan ColonyAnant NagarAngulimal NagarArvind NagarAshirwad NagarAsolaAwasthi NagarAyodhya NagarBagadganjChapru NagarBahaduraBaidyanath ChowkBajaj NagarBajargaonBajariaBalabhaupethBalaji NagarBanwadiBapu NagarBardiBayaramji TownBel TarodiBelaBeltarodiBesaBesa Pipla RoadAlankar NagarBalkrishna NagarChandika NagarChintamani NagarEkmat NagarGeeta NagarGurudev NagarNarhari NagarRadhanand NagarRevati NagarSevadal NagarShiv Shakti NagarBezonbaghBhagwaghar LayoutBhagwan NagarBhairamjee TownBhakriBhandara RoadBhandewadiBharat NagarBharatwadaBhende LayoutBhilgaonBhiwapurBhokaraBhupesh NagarBidgaonBorgaonAyappa NagarEkta NagarIndrayani NagarMahanubhav NagarPalloti NagarRukmini NagarSuraj NagarSwagat NagarUtthan NagarBothliButiboriByramji TownCa RoadCentral Ave RdChandrakiran NagarChandrapur HighwayChaoniChatrapati NagarChatri TalaoChhatrapati SquareChiimnazariChiknaChinch BhaulChinchbhavanChitnis NagarCivil LinesPriyadarshani ColonyClark TownCotton MarketDabhaDabhaiDattatray NagarDattawadiDavlametiDeendayal NagarDeepak NagarDeo NagarDeshpande Lay OutDhantoliDharampethDhutiDiamond NagarDigdohDighoriDindayal NagarDixit NagarDongargaonDurga NagarFriends ColonyJagruti ColonyNew Jagruti ColonyGadge NagarGajanan NagarGandhi NagarGandhibaghGanesh NagarGanesh PethGaneshpeth ColonyGayatri NagarGhogaliGiripethGodhaniSuman NagariGokulpethGopal NagarGorepethGorewadaGotal PanjariGreat Nag RoadGumgaonGumthalaGurudeo NagarGurunanak PuraHaladgaonHanuman NagarHarihar NagarHawrapethHazari PahadHingnaHingna RoadWanadongriHudkeshwarHudkeshwar RoadImamwadaIndoraIndraprasth LayoutIndraprastha NagarIngole NagarIsasaniIt ParkItwariJafar NagarJaiprakash NagarJaitalaJamthaJanki NagarJaripatkaKachimetKadbi ChowkKalameshwarKalamnaKaldongrKampteeKamptee KandariKamptee RoadSai Baba ColonyKamthi RoadKanhalgaonKanhan PipriKanholiKanoli BaraKapil NagarKarve NagarKatolKatol RoadNarmada ColonyNew Adarsh ColonyKelwadKhadgaonKhadgaon RoadKhadkaAshok ColonyCentral Exicise ColonyKotwal NagarRamkrishna NagarSahkar NagarSamarth NagarSneh NagarTrisaran NagarVenkatesh NagarKhapaKhapriKharbiAnmol NagarShaktimata NagarKhare TownKhasarmariKirmitiKirnapurKondhaliKoradi RoadKothewadaKothrudKt NagarKuhiLadgaonLakadganjLashkari BaghLavaLaxmi NagarMIDC HingnaMadhav NagarMahadulaMahalMahurzariMaitree NagarMalegaonMalviya NagarMandhwaManewadaManish NagarMankapurMansarovar ColonyMansarMaudaMecosabaghMedical SquareMhada Colony RoadMhalgi NagarMihanMohan NagarMohapaMohpaMoti BaghMoudaMouza SalaiMouza ShankarpurMowadNH 7Naik NagarNandanvanNandanwan LayoutNaraNarendra NagarNarkhedNarmada ColonyNarsalaNeta Ji NagarNew ColonyNew KhapriNew Manish NagarNew MankapurNew NagpurNew NandanvanNew SomalwadaNildohOld Subhedar LayoutOm NagarOmkar NagarSadbhavana NagarOuter Ring RoadPachgaonPadmavati NagarPanchpaoliPande LayoutPandey LayoutPanjriPannase LayoutPanswa LayoutPardiParseoniParsodiPeothaPethesurPevthaPiplaPipla Kharsoli RoadPitichuaPolice LinePrashant NagarPratap NagarPrem NagarPrerna NagarRaghuji NagarRahate ColonyRajendra NagarRam NagarBajiprabhu NagarRama DamRambaghRamdaspethRameshwariRamna MarutiRamtekRanapratap NagarRavi NagarReshim BaghRing RoadRuiSadarSadbhavana NagarSahakar NagarGajanan DhamSahara CitySakkardaraSalaiSaonerSavnerSeminary HillForest ColonyManavseva NagarShahu NagarShambhu NagarShankar NagarShantinagar ColonyShilpa NagarShirurShivaji NagarShree NagarSillewadaSindivihiriSita BuldiJhansi Rani SquareSneha NagarSomalwadaManish NagarSone GaonSonegaon NipaniSubhash NagarSugat NagarSukliSurabardiSurendra NagarSurve NagarSurya NagarSuyog NagarSwaraj NagarSwavalambi NagarTaj BaghTandapethTarsaTekadiTelecom NagarThakalghatTotaladohTrimurti NagarBhange ViharBhau Saheb Survey NagarUday NagarUjwal NagarUmredUmred RoadUppalwadiVaishali NagarVanaz CornerVasant NagarVayusena NagarVedaVelaVelahariVihirgaonVivekanand NagarWadiWadi-NagpurWagdaraWahadhaman NagarWakeshwarWalaniWanjari NagarWardhaman NagarWathodaAnmol NagarYerkhedaZafar NagarZhariZingabai Taklimore
  • Property Deals In

    Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land
  • Services Offered

    Real Estate Agents

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  • Aman Jagtap
  • Khamla, Nagpur
  • 13+ Year of Experience
  • Has 26 to 50 People working with him

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Review & Rating of BALAJI GROUP

  • Sanjay Baidya

    Reviewed : Jun 21, 2022

    We were looking for a real estate agent that can help us in getting a 2BHK flat in a posh location. And, one of my friends suggested this real estate agent. The agent helped us in cracking the most lucrative deal and now, we owned a home of our dreams. Thanks to the agent, we got the perfect flat we were looking for.

  • Dipak

    Reviewed : Jun 14, 2022

    Getting in contact with this real estate agent is certainly one of the best ways to get in touch with everything in the real estate world. This real estate agent have listened to my requirements, analyzed my budget, and accordingly suggested the best properties to buy. All thanks to this agent that I ended up with the best deal.

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BALAJI GROUP Agent / +91-99701xxxxx
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