awadh green city developers

awadh green city developers

Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
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About awadh green city developers

Awadh Green City Developers a reputed ISO Certified Real Estate Company in 2008, totally committed to ethical business practices with true & loyal dealings which are very rare in this field of business. Awadh Green City Developers is one of the fastest growing and a key player in real estate development industry. We feel that it is not important where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. Our strength lies in our futuristic vision, where others see land we see opportunity, which translates in to thinking ahead of times.
  • Areas of Operation

    LucknowSector 7GosainganjMohanlalganjRaibareli Road

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awadh green city developers

  • jayesh singh
  • Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
  • 17+ Year of Experience

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