Arcotec Design Studio

Arcotec Design Studio

Rama Mandi, Jalandhar
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About Arcotec Design Studio

We, Arcotec Design Studio, situated at Rama Mandi, Jalandhar, Punjab believe, good design is produced from careful study and research, combined with technical knowledge and artistic judgment. It's our aim to create spaces where people & activities thrive. Our team is capable of handling all the projects from the initial concept till the actual completion of the whole project. We are one of the top Architecture firms in Jalandhar / Architect in jalandhar. We provide architecture services, interior designing, landscaping, facade design, and urban planning. 1We believe good design is produced from careful study and research, combined with technical knowledge and artistic judgment. We aim to create spaces where people & activities thrive. Our team is capable of handling all the projects from the initial concept till the actual completion of the whole project. Architects in the past have tended to concentrate their attention on the building as a static object. We believe dynamics are more important: the dynamics of people, their interaction with spaces, and environmental conditions." Architect in jalandhar.
  • Areas of Operation

    Jalandhar120 Feet Road66 Feet RoadAdampurAdarsh NagarAjit NagarAlawalpurAman ViharAmrik NagarAmrit ViharAmrit Vihar ColonyAmritsar By-Pass RoadArjun NagarAshok NagarBDA ColonyBMC ChowkBSF ColonyBaba Mohan Das NagarBabu Labh Singh NagarBajwa ColonyBalwant NagarBank ColonyBank EnclaveBasant ViharBashirpuraBasti Bawa KhelBasti DanishmandanBasti GuzanBasti Peer Dad RoadBhogpurBidhipurC. S Toor ColonyCantonment RoadCentral TownCharanjit PuraCheema NagarChohak KalanChoti BaradariChoti Baradari ICivil LinesCool RoadDada NagarDashmesh NagarDayanand NagarDeep NagarDefence ColonyDeol NagarDhan MohallaDhogriDilbagh NagarFentonganjFocal PointFootball ChowkFriends ColonyGT RoadGT Road NH1GTB NagarGadaipurGarhaGobind NagarGolden AvenueGopal NagarGorayaGreen Model TownGreen ParkGreenfield ColonyGrover ColonyGujral NagarGulab Devi RoadGupta ColonyGurbachan NagarGurjit NagarGuru Amar Das NagarGuru Amardass ColonyGuru Gobind Singh AvenueGuru Nanak Mission ChowkGuru Nanak PuraGuru Ramdas NagarHarbans NagarHargobind NagarHoshiarpur RoadIndra ParkIshwar NagarJP NagarJail RoadJalandhar Cantt.Jalandhar KunjJalandhar ViharJandialaJandu SinghaJaswant NagarJawahar NagarJyoti ChownkKalia ColonyKamal ViharKapurthala RoadKarol BaghKartarpurKatharKhajurlaKhambraKhandala FarmKhukhrain ColonyKhurla KingraKishangarhKishanpuraKrishna NagarLAJPAT NAGARLadhewaliLadhewali RoadLadowali RoadLambra VillageLaxmi PuraLeather Complex RoadLidhranLodhian KhasMahavir MargMain RoadMaqsudanMaster Tara Singh NagarMehatpurMithapurNew Raja GardenModel HouseNew Kartar Nagar ColonyModel TownMohan Das NagarMota Singh NagarMoti NagarNakodarNakodar RoadNamdev ChowkNangal ShamaNarangpurNew Dashmesh NagarNew Guru Amardass NagarNew Jawahar NagarNew Kailash NagarNew Sarabha NagarNoor MahalOld Phagwara RoadNew Defence ColonyPartap NagarPaschim ViharPataraPathankot ChowkPathankot RoadPhagwara RoadPhillaurPholriwalPratap NagarPrem NagarPrime EnclaveRaj NagarRaja GardenRaja Garden ColonyRajiv Gandhi ViharRama MandiRameshwar ColonyRamneek AvenueRanjit EnclaveRanjit NagarRasila NagarRatan NagarReruSalempurSalempur RoadSansarpurSant NagarSantokh PuraShaheed Udham Singh NagarShahkotShahpurShakti NagarShankar GardenShanti ViharShastri NagarShiv ViharSodal NagarSuchi PindSultanpur LodhiSuraj GanjSuranussiSurya EnclaveTagore NagarTanda RoadTarlok Avenue ColonyToor EnclaveToor Enclave Phase 1Tower EnclaveTransport NagarUrban Estate Phase 1Urban Estate Phase 2Ravinder NagarRavinder Nagar ExtensionVenus ValleyVenus Velly ColonyVerka Milk PlantVijay NagarVinay NagarVivek ViharWadala ChowkWazir Enclavemore
  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Farm House Commercial Shops Showrooms Office Space Business Center Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land Guest House Hotel & Restaurant Warehouse / Godown Factory Penthouse Studio Apartments
  • Services Offered

    Builders Vaastu Consultant Interior Decorators Architects Real Estate Agents

More information

Arcotec Design Studio

  • Priyanka Sagar
  • Rama Mandi, Jalandhar
  • 15+ Year of Experience
  • Has Upto 10 People working with him

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