AR Real Estate

Chirner, Navi Mumbai
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RERA STATUS Reg No. A518000378170

About AR Real Estate

Unlock the best real estate opportunities with AR Real Estate, a real estate company based in Chirner, Navi Mumbai! Guided by our thoughtful research-based consulting services, we always strive to meet every real estate need of our customers buy, sell, rent/lease , or managing residential properties or commercial properties. Our team comprises top-tier real estate brokers, advisors, and real estate attorneys, all of whom bring their wealth of knowledge to deliver only the best to customers. We offer only unbiased advice regarding your real estate matters with no conflicting interests.
  • Areas of Operation

    MumbaiChemburChembur East7th Cross RoadBhakti ParkBorlaCentral Avenue RoadChembur CampChembur GaothanChembur Govandi RoadChembur NakaCollectors ColonyDK Sandhu MargDeonarDr CG RoadEden GardensGanga TowerGhatlaIndira NagarKelkar Wadi RoadLal DongarLaxmi ColonyMahadeo WadiMysore ColonyPostal ColonyPrabuddha NagarRC MargRCF ColonySV Patel NagarSai Baba NagarSaint Anthony RoadShell ColonyShell Colony RoadSion Trombay RoadSubhash NagarSuman NagarSwastik ParkTata ColonyTolaram ColonyTrombay Indusrial AreaUnion ParkVN Purav MargWT Patil MargChembur WestChedda NagarGhatkopar Mahul RoadPL Lokhande MargTilak NagarCollector ColonyGhatkopar Mankhurd Link RoadGhatlaNagesh PatilwadiSindhi SocietyTilak NagarVaibhav Nagarmore
    Navi MumbaiSector 19ASanpadaSector 24GhansoliSector 8TalojaSector 3Sector 30ANavadeSector 18AMIDC Industrial Area NerulSector 20KamotheSector 10Sector 11Sector 12Sector 14Sector 15Sector 16Sector 17Sector 18Sector 19Sector 20Sector 21Sector 22Sector 24Sector 25Sector 31Sector 34Sector 35Sector 36Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Sector 9New PanvelSector 1Sector 10Sector 11Sector 12Sector 13Sector 14Sector 15Sector 16Sector 17Sector 18Sector 19Sector 2Sector 3Sector 4Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Sector 9Old PanvelManek NagarTapal NakaPanvelAdaiBherleForest ColonyHOC ColonyKaranjadeKarnalaKhanavaleKhanda ColonyKolkheKonNandgaonPalaspe PhataRoadpaliTakka ColonyVichumbeWajeNerulTaloja PanchanandUlweTurbhe MidcSector 10Sector 16Sector 13JuinagarSector 16BelapurNevaliSector 1Sector 11TurbheSector 11Sector 15Sector 21Sector 23KhandeshwarKhargharSector 10Sector 11Sector 12Sector 13Sector 14Sector 15Sector 16Sector 17Sector 18Sector 19Sector 2Sector 20Sector 21Sector 22Sector 23Sector 24Sector 25Sector 27Sector 3Sector 30Sector 34Kharghar Sector 34Sector 34ASector 35Sector 35GSector 36Sector 39Sector 4KopraSector 34CSector 34ESector 35DSector 35ESector 35FSector 35ISector 37Sector 40Sector 41Sector 9MIDC Industrial AreaSector 10Sector 12Sector 13Sector 14Sector 15Sector 16Sector 16ASector 17Sector 18Sector 19Sector 2Sector 21Sector 22Sector 23Sector 24Sector 25Sector 27Sector 28Sector 36Sector 38Sector 4Sector 40Sector 42Sector 44Sector 46Sector 5Sector 50Sector 6Sector 7Sector 9Sector 26Sector 29Sector 3Palm Beach RoadTTC Industrial AreaRasayaniSector 1Sector 10Sector 11Sector 14Sector 15Sector 17Sector 18Sector 19Sector 2Sector 4Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Sector 9SeawoodsKarave NagarSector 36Sector 38Sector 40Sector 42Sector 42ASector 44Sector 44ASector 46Sector 46ASector 48Sector 48ASector 50Sector 54Sector 56Sector 58Sector 58ASector 17 KalamboliSector 3 Pushpak NagarSector 7 TalojaSector 7 VashiShedungShiravaneTTC Industrial AreaSector 17Sector 23Sector 5Sector 10BSector 18Sector 19Sector 2Sector 20Sector 21Sector 3Sector 8Sector 9VashiSector 1Sector 12Sector 14Sector 15Sector 16Sector 17Sector 18Sector 19Sector 19DSector 2Sector 20Sector 21Sector 22Sector 23Sector 24Sector 26Sector 28Sector 29Sector 3Sector 30Sector 30ASector 4Sector 5Sector 6Sector 8Sector 9Vashi WestSector 11Sector 19ASector 19BSector 19CSector 19ESector 25Sector 31Sector 9AVihigharSector 20Sector 24JNPT TownshipSector 5RanjanpadaSector 1Sector 29Sector 33Sector 34BSector 35HKopar KhairaneSector 11BonkodeSector 1Sector 10Sector 12Pushpak NagarGhotkamp Koyana VeleMIDCSector 17Sector 19Sector 38ChikhaleChindhranKalamboliSector 6Sector 7Sector 8Ganesh NagarKoproliSector 53 DronagiriSector 22UranChirnerAjivaliCBD BelapurSector 11Sector 13Sector 14Sector 15Sector 30ChipaleChirleJijamata NagarSector 1Sector 16Sector 2Sector 3Sector 30Sector 4Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Sector 9Sector 13Sector 14Sector 15Sector 16Sector 17Sector 18Sector 19Sector 19ASector 2Sector 20Sector 22Sector 2ASector 3Sector 4Sector 4ASector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8MahapeElectronic Zonemore
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    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Farm House Commercial Shops Showrooms Office Space Business Center Hotel & Restaurant Penthouse Studio Apartments Villa
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    Real Estate Agents Property Consultants

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  • Shaziya

    Reviewed : Jan 30, 2025

    It was absolutely smooth process from beginning to end thanks to AR Real Estate. The promptness, reliability, and competitive price of the agency have exceeded my expectations

  • Rashmi Kinare

    Reviewed : Feb 04, 2024

    Very professional services by this property agent…. played the role of a fair mediator keeping both the owner’s and tenant’s interests in mind

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