Ambabari Colony, Jaipur
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AJM Leasing is a renowned real estate company that is involved in diverse real estate activities. The company is a trustworthy real estate agent offering property selling, renting, and PG services at very affordable charges. We are supported by a team of professional real estate agents comprises of real estate brokers, real estate agents, property dealer consultants, property dealers, and many more. AJM Leasing is a Jaipur (Rajasthan, India) based organisation that is flourishing well under the expert guidance of the CEO, Mr. Jasdeep Singh. As the company deals in both residential and commercial properties, we have attained a wide client base. Our Professionals. We have a team of trusted and experienced real estate agents, who are dedicated towards offering the best services for selling, renting, and PG home solutions. We make sure that our agents remain up to date as per the latest trends of the market. Why Choose Us?. There are numerous reasons behind our selection and some of them are mentioned below: 1. We have years of experience in the real estate domain. 2. We work professionally keeping in mind the exact needs of the clients. 3. We have a huge client base across the nation. 4. We keep ourselves up to date as per the latest market standards and developments. 5. We charge a reasonable amount for our services. 6. We conduct a thorough research and then offer the best and suitable suggestions to the clients.
  • Areas of Operation

    JaipurAmbabari ColonyChitrakootVishwakarma Industrial Area10-B Scheme22 GodamAchrolAdarsh NagarFrontier ColonyAgra RoadAgrasen NagarAirport RoadAjmer RoadBarwara House ColonyGangwal ParkGhijdh ViharGopal BadiMadh Ram PuraShiivaji NagarAjmeri GateAmbedkar NagarAmberAmerAmer NagarAmrapali NagarAnand LokAnsal APIApreal ParkArjun NagarVishveshvariya NagarAsalpurAshok NagarBagruBagru Industrial AreaBairatBais GodamBajaj NagarAnita ColonyHimmat NagarNew Light ColonyBalawalaBani ParkIndra ColonyBapu NagarBarkat NagarBasant ViharBassiBeelwaBenad RoadBenar RoadBhankrotaBhasawaBhojpuraBichoonBindayakaBishangarhBrahmpuriBrij ColonyBrijlalpuraBurmese ColonyC SchemeCentral SpineChaksuChandpoleChandwajiChittora JaipurChokhi DhaniChomuChoti ChopadCivil LinesDCMDadi Ka PhatakDadu Dayal NagarDargah BazarDatika PhatikDaulatpuraDelhi RoadDevi NagarDhawasDholaiDholpurDiggi RoadDoctors ColonyDuduDurga ViharDurgapuraGayatri Nagar BJadon Nagar-BMahaveer Nagar 2Prithviraj NagarTaygi ColonyGajsinghpurGalta GateGandhi NagarGandhi PathGanesh NagarGanesh Nagar VistarGangapolGanpati Nagar ColonyGaytri NagarGiriraj NagarGirnar ColonyGobind NagarGokulpuraGokul NagarGoner RoadGopal BariGopal Pura By PassGopalpuraGovind NagarGovindgarhGovindpuraGovindpuriGujarghatiGurjar Ki ThadiGyan ViharHanuman NagarHasanpuraHathodHawa SadakHimmatnagarIndira Gandhi NagarJagatpuraKusum ViharMahal RoadRavindra NagarSector 11 Indira Gandhi NagarShiksha ViharSin Ka BarahJagdamba NagarJaisinghpuraJaisinghpura KhorJamdoliJamna PuriJamuna NagarJamwa RamgarhJanta ColonyJaswant NagarRanjit NagarJawahar CircleJawahar Lal Nehru MargJawahar NagarJawahar Nagar Sector 1Jawahar Nagar Sector 2Sector 3Sector 4Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Jhalana DoongriJhotwaraJhotwara Industrial AreaDahar Ka BalajiNirmal ViharRaghunathpuriUdyog NagarJobnerJohri BazarJowhari BazarJyoti NagarHousing Boat ColonyKaladeraKalpana NagarKalwaraKalwar RoadKamala Nehru NagarKanak BrindavanKanakpuraKanautKanotaKanti NagarKanwar NagarKarni ViharKeshavnagarKeshwana Industrial AreaKhatipuraKalyan ColonyKhirni Phatak RoadKhushi ViharKishanpole BazarKishanpuraKotputliKukasMathur Vaishya NagarLakshminagarLalarpuraLalkothiLuniyawasMI RoadMachedaMachwaMadhyam MargMahadev NagarMahapuraMahatma Gandhi NagarMahaveer NagarMahesh NagarMahindra SEZMalpura RoadMalviya NagarSector 1Sector 10Sector 11Sector 12Sector 13Sector 14Sector 15Sector 2Sector 3Sector 4Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Sector 9Airport RoadMalviya Industrial AreaUsha ColonyMandor JaipurMangal ViharMangyawasMano Kamna SchemeMansarovarMansarovar ColonyMansarovar ExtensionSector 1Sector 12Sector 13Sector 2Sector 3Sector 4Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Sector 9Iskcon RoadKaveri PathMadhyam MargSector 10Sector 11Swarn PathVarun PathManyawasEngineers ColonyMarudhar NagarMata ColonyMeera MargModel TownMohru NagarMoti Doongri RoadMoti Lal Atal RoadMoti NagarMozamabadMuhanaMuhana MandiMurlipuraNH 12NRI ColonyNagika PhatikNahari Ka NakaNandpuriNangal JaisabohraNarayan SaroverNarayan Singh CircleNarayan ViharNehrunagarNemi NagarNew Atish MarketNew Sanganer RoadNindarNirman NagarNirmohi NagarNiwaiNiwaru RoadNri HillsOfficers Campus ColonyOmaxe CityOmex CityPalace RoadPanchyawalaPaotaParth NagarPatrakar ColonyPhagiPhagi RoadPhuleraPink CityPratap NagarSector 6Prem NagarPrithviraj NagarPrithviraj RoadQueens RoadRIICO Phase 3 SitapuraRIICO Industrial AreaRIICO Industrial Area BindayakaRPA RoadRadha ViharRailway ColonyRaja ParkRajendra MargRajni ViharRam NagarRamchandpuraRamchandrapuraRampura RoadRani Sati NagarRani Swati NagarRidhi Sidhi NagarRiico Industrial Area PrahladpuraRishi Galav NagarRohini NagarSC RoadSachivalaya NagarSahakar MargSambharSanganer RoadBudhsinghpuraSangram ColonySanjay ColonySanjay NagarSanjay Nagar ASanjay Nagar BSanjhariaSansar Chandra RoadSarangpuraSaraswati NagarSarna DuggarSawardaSector 5 Pratap NagarShahpuraShanti NagarShantinagarShastri NagarShiv NagarShiv ViharShiva Ji NagarShivdaspuraBhaskar EnclaveShyam NagarKishan NagarSarti NagarSiddharth NagarSikar RoadSindhi CampSindhu NagarSirsi RoadRFC ColonySita Pur Industrial AreaSitapuraSitapura Industrial AreaSodalaGulabi NagarStation RoadSubhash MargSubhash NagarSudarshanpuraSukindaSumelSumer NagarSun CitySunder NagarAmrit NagarSunder ViharSuresh MargSurya NagarSushant CitySwage FarmSwapan LokSwej FarmTagore NagarTalaTaru Chhaya NagarThe AravaliesTheekariyaThikariyaTilak NagarTonk PhatakMadhuvan ColonyShiv ColonyVasundhara ColonyTonk RoadTown RoadTransport NagarTripolia BazarTriveniUday PurVaishali NagarAditya ViharB BlockBlock CCosmo ColonyVijay EnclaveVardhman NagarVasant ViharVasundharaVatikaVatika Infotech CityVatika RoadVidhan Sabha NagarVidhayak NagarVidhyadhar NagarSector 1Sector 10Sector 2Sector 3Sector 4Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Sector 9Vidyut NagarVijay PathVirat NagarVishnu ViharVistarVivek ViharYash PathVidyadhar Nagarmore
    AjmerVaishali Nagar
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    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Farm House Commercial Shops Showrooms Office Space Business Center Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land Guest House Hotel & Restaurant Warehouse / Godown Factory Penthouse Studio Apartments
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    Real Estate Agents

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  • Jasdeep Singh
  • Ambabari Colony, Jaipur
  • 15+ Year of Experience
  • Has Upto 10 People working with him

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Review & Rating of AJM LEASING

  • Anant

    Reviewed : Dec 30, 2023

    I would highly recommend AJM LEASING for those looking to Builders & Developers a property in Ambabari Colony, Jaipur

  • Shera Pal

    Reviewed : Oct 14, 2022

    This real estate agent has been a constant support for me when I was looking for a property to purchase in the outskirts. I wanted to have a property according to my requirements and as per my budget. This real estate agent has helped me a lot in obtaining the apt property for myself. Thank You!

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AJM LEASING Agent / +91-87649xxxxx
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