Achievers 2.0

Achievers 2.0

Vivek Nagar, Bangalore
5.0   3 3 reviews
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About Achievers 2.0

Headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka, Achievers 0.2 are an establishment that has been providing with premium quality services in commercial and residential property building and development. As a company, we are very proud of the many accomplishments of the company as a coordinated team comprising experts and professionals who are all pros. All our clients appreciate the fact we are a very closely connected team that works as a united whole under the headship of Mr. Aravind who has been at the helm of affairs since we incepted a few years back. We render services that are very effective, efficient, responsive and we also boast of a proactive approach to our work. This has ensured our steady growth in the market as a company that has achieved fame and name in a very short time. We have been able to achieve the highest levels of performance because of the young and dynamic team that is constantly giving us the support to go on climbing the ladder of success ever so rapidly. Every member is known to be having a very positive energy and attitude that reflects in the way they perform. And this has definitely augmented the good of the company. At Achievers 0.2 we have a very simple recipe that is working hard as well as smart. We have put our customers on the top and it is with this attitude that we embarked on our journey and we hope to continue sailing on the sea of success in the years to come with ease and comfort. We proclaim proudly that our aim is to turn our clients dream into a reality and we have done it.
  • Areas of Operation

    BangaloreThindluSoukya RoadSanjay NagarDevanhalli RoadDevanahalliVivek NagarThanisandraJala HobliShettigereBinnypetVarthur15th Cross JP Nagar18th Cross Road38 MEG Colony3rd Cross Airport RoadAavalahalliAbbigereAbshot LayoutAdugodiChikkadugodiAecs LayoutB BlockA BlockHosur Rd A BlockHosur Rd B BlockLakshmi Narayan PuraAir View ColonyAirport RoadAirport Road Anjenaya TechparkAkshay NagarAlambadiAmrita NagarAmruthahalliAmruthahalli Aditya GreenAnagalapuraRt NagarAnanth NagarAnchepalyaAndrahalliAnekalArdendaleArekereArkavathy LayoutArmane NagarAshok NagarAshwini LayoutAtibeleAttur LayoutAustin TownBTM 2nd StageBabusa PalyaBabusapalyaBagalgundaBagalurBagepalliBagmane Tech ParkBalagereBalaji NagarBellandur Village10th Cross Rd11th Cross Rd12th Cross Rd1st Cross Rd2nd Cross Rd3rd Cross Rd4th Cross Rd5th Cross Rd6th Cross Rd7th Cross Rd8th Cross Rd9th Cross RdDevarabisanahalliGreen Glen LayoutBendre NagarBenson TownChinnappa GardenBettahalasurBharat NagarBharathi NagarBhattarahalliBhavani NagarBhoopasandraBidadiBidaraguppeBidarahalliBikasipuraBileshivaleBillekahalliSundar Ram Shetty NagarVijaya Bank LayoutBinnipeteBisuvanahalliBommanahalliRoopena AgraharBommasandraBommasandra Industrial AreaDhodaKachanayakanahalliBrigade RoadBrindavan NagarBrookefieldBrunton RoadBtm Layout1st StageBudigereBudigere CrossByadarahalliByappanahalliByatarayanapuraBylahalliByrathiByrathi VillageBlessing Garden LayoutCK PalyaCambridge LayoutCasablanca Old Airport RoadCastle StreetCbdChallaghattaChamrajpetBapuji LayoutBasaweshwara LayoutBcc LayoutDwaraka NagarMaruti NagarVayalikavalChannapatnaChannasandraChansandraCheemasandraChickpetChikka TirupathiChikka Tirupati RoadChikkaballapurGauribidanurChikkabanavarChikkabettahalliChikkabidarakalluChikkagubbiChikkajalaChikkakannalliChikkalasandraChintamani RoadChokkanahalliCholanayakanahalliChowdenahalliChurch Street Airport RoadCil LayoutHosur Roadmore
  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Residential Land / Plots
  • Services Offered

    Builders Real Estate Agents

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Achievers 2.0

  • Vivek Nagar, Bangalore
  • 4+ Year of Experience

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Review & Rating of Achievers 2.0

  • Neeta

    Reviewed : Jan 06, 2022

    Around a year back, I contacted this builder and successfully closed a number of deals regarding building on my properties. This builder makes use of the latest technologies and has immense knowledge. I loved the suggestions this builder provided me for the better building of the structure. I am glad that I made the decision of choosing this builder.

  • Kailash Vishnoi

    Reviewed : Dec 30, 2021

    As a reliable name in the industry, I must say this builder has helped me in getting the best out of my property. The builder has immense knowledge and suggested me the best for my benefit. I am thankful to the builder that he built my property as per the modern pattern and within my budget.

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