Home is a place of comfort, leisure and relaxation and its interior is its soul. Obviously, everybody wants to give his/her home a magnificent appearance. But now time has changed, interior decoration doesn't mean just to decorate two or three rooms of an apartment; in fact it has gone a long way. Now interior decoration means to make a place seem alive. One needs an expert's advice to decorate his dream home. One can transform a place into a desirable abode with the help of an Expert Interior Designer.
Interior design is all about what color, pattern, texture to be used or what kind of furniture should be there or what should be the style and proportion. Interior decoration is to transform a place so that it just turns visually appealing by making changes in these elements.
Walk through a house which is not professionally designed you will see the mistakes made by the owner. Few basic tips given by a professional can make it possible to give your place a fabulous look. With the help of expert's advice you can renovate your place according to your pocket and wish.
Experts' Designing Tips
- Color Selection: If you have a small place always choose light color because light colors always make a place look larger and airy while dark colors make a place look smaller. Moreover, use colors from same color family for example: red and pale orange can be used together or pink and purple can make a great combination.
- Doors And Windows: When it comes to doors and windows we don't give much emphasis on them which is not good. Doors and windows have great impact on facade as well as on designing. One should use UPVC windows which are water proof, dust proof, termite proof, sound proof, and secure. Doors and windows play major role in regulating light and air.
- Furniture: One should use multi-utility furniture to save space. For instance, make chest of drawers under the bed and sofa which can be used as shoe rack.
If you consider a handful of such Interior Designing Tips to work with or advise you interior decorator about then you will be able to renovate your place splendidly. Careful selection of colors, furniture, curtains, style, etc. can make your place marvelous.